Welcome to Arlington Montessori School, celebrating years of educational excellence with family, community, and the world at large.
Nurturing a Love of Learning
Welcome to Arlington Montessori School. Where learning is fun and tailored to meet the needs of your child’s uniqueness. Here, children are allowed to make choices and develop at their own pace.
“The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six, for this is the time when a man’s intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. At no other age has the child greater need of intelligent help.” Dr. Maria Montessori
Arlington Heights Montessori School at a Glance
Current Enrollments
Hiring More
Qualified Staff
Daily Activities

We offer a unique Montessori program in a lovely classroom setting. The child works in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility. A beautifully prepared experience awaits your child. The Montessori materials attract and support your child’s learning.
Afsaneh Kariman — Directress
Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum includes mathematics, science, reading, grammar, writing, spelling, geography, history, art, and Spanish. We accept children ages 3 to 6 years old. We focus on positive social development where children grow toward independence by building confidence, competence, self-esteem, and respect for others. With trained teachers and authentic Montessori materials, your child will discover their true potential. Montessori philosophy governs the interaction of children with the staff, each other, and the environment. For an explanation of Montessori philosophy and its everyday application in our environment.
Activities to create a logically ordered mind, to develop an understanding of numeration, problem-solving, and other math functions.
Montessori believed that a child’s mind is mathematical and based on the order of perceptual awareness found in the development of the senses. The acquisition of mathematical principles is seen as developing logically from concrete to abstract, and from simple to complex.

Language in the Montessori classroom is an activity that promotes listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language is fostered in environments where children’s ideas and play are valued and used as the basis for further exploration and development.

The sensorial area in a Montessori classroom focuses on lessons and activities that help develop the five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. The lessons and activities provided in the sensorial area of the classroom help children clarify, classify, and understand the world around them

Art is important for children, especially during their early development. Art activities develop brain capacity in early childhood. Art engages children’s senses in open-ended play and supports the development of cognitive, social-emotional, and multisensory skills.

Children in a Montessori environment learn to write first before they learn to read. This approach is organic, as children are able to put the letters for the sounds they know together into a word before they are ready to interpret and string together the sounds of a word on a page.

Practical Life
The foundation for all learning is found in practical life, for it is here that the child acquires order, concentration, coordination, independence, and the ability to care for self, others, and the environment.



Care of Self

Our Earth-Friendly Program
“Let the children be free, encourage them, let them run outside…. let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath its shade…. The strength of even the smallest child is more than we can imagine, but it must have free play in order to reveal itself. In a city a child will say that he is tired after a brief walk, … but his sluggishness comes from the artificiality of his environment… when children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength.” Dr. Maria Montessori
We believe that nature is a powerful teacher and a crucial biological need for all mankind. It teaches young children in subtle ways the cycle of life, the co-existence of all living things, and the rewards of nurturing. It offers calm and tranquility that no other environment can replicate. At AMS we work with the children to understand not only the beauty of our nature but the importance of preserving and caring for it. We have a no-plastic policy in our school where we ask lunches to be packed in reusable containers only. We recycle everything we can and use scratch paper for our projects. The children take great pride and care in this aspect of their work and we ask parents to continue this method at home.